Field Name: Artifact ID Number
Field Name: Artifact Count
Field Name: Category
Authority Term: Stone
Field Name: Form
Authority Terms:
- Abrader
- Adze
- Awl
- Bannerstone
- Biface
- Blade
- Blade, retouched
- Blank, stone tool
- Celt
- Chunkey Stone
- Cobble (64-250mm)
- Core
- Drill
- FCR (fire-cracked rock)
- Flake
- Flake, cortical
- Flake, denticulate
- Flake, perforator
- Flake, retouched
- Flake, scraper
- Flake, spokeshave
- Gorget
- Granule (2-4mm)
- Graver
- Griddle
- Grinding Stone
- Gunflint
- Hammerstone
- Hoe, broad
- Hoe, unidentified
- Mortar
- Pebble (4-64mm)
- Pièce Esquillé
- Point, base notched
- Point, corner notched
- Point, lanceolate
- Point, side notched
- Point, stemmed
- Point, triangular
- Point, unidentified
- Preform
- Scraper
- Shatter
- Stone, burnishing
- Stone, natural
- Stone, unidentified
- Strike-a-Light
- Uniface
- Uniface, endscraper
- Weight, fishing
- Whetstone
Field Name: Completeness
Authority Terms:
- Complete
- Incomplete
Field Name: Material
Authority Terms:
- Alaskite Stone
- Argillite
- Asphalt
- Basalt
- Chalcedony
- Chert/Flint, Allendale
- Chert/Flint, Black Mingo
- Chert/Flint, Ridge and Valley
- Chert/Flint, grey/black
- Chert/Flint, honey/brown
- Chert/Flint, other
- Coral
- Diabase
- Diorite
- Dolomite
- Gneiss
- Granite
- Greenstone
- Hornfels
- Jasper
- Limestone
- Limestone, Coquina
- Marble
- Not Recorded
- Orthoquartzite
- Phyllite
- Quartz
- Quartzite
- Rhyolite
- Sandstone
- Sandstone, red, unidentified
- Schist
- Shale
- Slate
- Steatite
- Stone, unidentified igneous
- Stone, unidentified metamorphic
- Stone, unidentified sedimentary
- Stone, unidentified
- Tuff, Differentially Crystallized
- Unidentifiable
Field Name: Manufacturing Technique
Authority Terms:
- Flaked
- Ground
- Natural
- Quarried
Field Name: Added By
Field Name: Date Added
Field Name: Changed By
Field Name: Date Changed
Field Name: Notes
Field Name: Lithic Category
Authority Terms:
- Debitage
- Indeterminate
- Not Applicable
- Tool
Field Name: Point Type
Authority Terms:
- Bifurcate Point
- Early Archaic Side Notched Point
- Ichetucknee Point
- Kirk Corner Notched Point
- Morrow Mountain Point
- Not Applicable
- Pinellas Point
- Savannah river Stemmed Point
- Tampa Point
- Unidentifiable
- Woodland Stemmed Point
Field Name: Flake Type
Authority Terms:
- Blade
- Broken-1 platform facet
- Broken-2+ platform facets
- Broken-crushed platform
- Complete-1 platform facet
- Complete-2+platform facets
- Complete-crushed platform
- Debris
- Fragments
- Not Applicable
- Unidentifiable
Field Name: Screen Size
Authority Terms:
- ¼ inch
- ½ inch
- ¾ inch
- 1 inch
- Not Applicable
Field Name: Core Form
Authority Terms:
- Bifacial
- Bipolar
- Multi-directional
- Nodule
- Not Applicable
- Prismatic
Field Name: Length
Field Name: Height [N.B. this field is used to record thickness on projectile points]
Field Name: Width
Field Name: Weight (grams)