Faunal Relationship Diagram

The data fields and authority terms used in the Faunal Table were based on the work of Dr. Joanne Bowen, Greg Brown, and Steve Atkins of Colonial Williamsburg and were developed as part of Colonial Williamsburg’s CWBONE program. Their assistance with the Faunal Table was invaluable.

Field Name: Artifact ID Number
Field Name: Artifact Count
Field Name: Reliability
Authority Terms:

  1. Yes
  2. Probably
  3. cf

Field Name: Taxon Name
Authority Terms:

TaxonID Taxon Latin English Taxon CategoryID MtWtAd MtWtIm TxnOrder
1 10000 Class Crustacea Crustacean CR 0.2 0.2 101
2 10100 Order Decapoda Decapod CR 0 0 102
3 10110 Phylum Arthropoda Arthropod CR 0 0 103
4 10111 Callinectes sapidus Blue Crab CR 0.2 0.2 104
5 10112 Homarus americanus Lobster CR 0 0 105
6 20000 Class Chondrichthyes Cartilagenous Fish F 0 0 201
7 21000 Order Lamniformes Typical Shark F 160 0 202
8 25000 Order Rajiformes Skates or Rays F 0 0 0
9 25010 Family Odontaspididae Sand Tiger F 0 0 203
10 25011 Carcharius taurus Sand Tiger Shark F 0 0 204
11 25020 Family Carcharinidae Requiem Shark F 0 0 205
12 25021 Rhizopriondon terreanovae Atlantic Sharpnose Shark F 0 0 206
13 25022 Carcharhinus spp. Bull or Milberts Shark F 200 0 207
14 25023 Carcharhinus leucas Bull Shark F 0 0 208
15 30000 Class Osteichthyes Bony Fish F 0 0 301
16 30100 Order Acipenseriformes Sturgeon F 100 0 302
17 30110 Family Acipenseridae Sturgeon F 100 0 303
18 30111 Acipenser spp. Sturgeon F 100 0 304
19 30200 Order Lepisosteiformes Gar Pike F 5 0 305
20 30210 Family Lepisosteidae Gar Pike F 5 0 306
21 30211 Lepisosteus osseus Long-Nosed Gar F 5 0 308
22 30212 Lepisosteus spp. Gar F 5 0 307
23 30300 Order Clupeiformes Herring, Shad, or Anchovy F 0 0 313
24 30310 Family Clupeidae Herring F 0.4 0 314
25 30311 Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife F 0.4 0 315
26 30312 Alosa sapidissima American Shad F 3.2 0 316
27 30313 Clupea harengus Atlantic Herring F 0.4 0 317
28 30314 Brevoortia tyrannus Atlantic Menhaden F 0 0 318
29 30315 Harengula spp. Pilchard or Sardine F 0 0 319
30 30316 Opistonema spp. Sardine F 0 0 320
31 30317 Alosa spp. Shad/Herring F 0 0 0
32 30318 Dorosoma cepedianum Gizzard Shad F 0 0 0
33 30400 Order Angulliformes Eel F 0 0 309
34 30410 Family Anguillidae Common Eel F 0 0 310
35 30420 Family Congridae Conger Eel F 0 0 311
36 30500 Order Cypriniformes Minnow or Carp F 1 0 321
37 30510 Family Cyprinidae Minnow or Carp F 0 0 322
38 30550 Family Catostomidae Sucker F 1 0 323
39 30551 Moxostoma spp. Redhorse F 0.8 0 324
40 30600 Order Siluriformes Sea Catfish or Pout F 2 0 325
41 30610 Family Ariidae Sea Catfish F 2 0 326
42 30611 Bagre marinus Gaff-Topsail Catfish F 2 0 327
43 30612 Arius felis Hardhead Catfish F 0 0 0
44 30620 Family Ameiuridae Horned Pout F 0 0 328
45 30630 Family Ictaluridae Freshwater Catfish F 2 0 329
46 30631 Ictalurus catus White Catfish F 2 0 330
47 30632 Ictalurus punctatus Channel Catfish F 2 0 331
48 30700 Order Salmoniformes Pike, Pickerel, or Muskellunge F 2 0 332
49 30710 Family Esocidae Pike, Pickerel, or Muskellunge F 2 0 333
50 30711 Esox niger Channel Pickerel F 2 0 334
51 30720 Family Salmonidae Trout F 0 0 335
52 30800 Order Gadiformes Codfish or Hake F 4.8 0 336
53 30810 Family Gadidae Codfish F 4.8 0 337
54 30811 Gadus morhua Atlantic Cod F 6.4 0 338
55 30812 Melanogrammus aeglefinus Haddock F 3.2 0 339
56 30820 Family Merlucciidae Hake F 0 0 340
57 30900 Order Pleuronectiformes Flounder or Sole F 0 0 401
58 30910 Family Pleuronectidae Righteye Flounder F 0 0 402
59 30911 Paralichthys spp. Summer Flounder F 0 0
60 31000 Order Perciformes Perch-like Fish F 0 0 347
61 31010 Family Mugilidae Mullet F 0 0 394
62 31020 Family Scombridae Mackerel F 0 0 400
63 31030 Family Carangidae Jack or Pompano F 0 0 365
64 31031 Caranx spp. Jack F 0 0 366
65 31040 Family Pomatomidae Bluefish F 0 0 364
66 31050 Family Percidae Perch F 1 0 362
67 31051 Perca flavescens Yellow Perch F 1 0 363
68 31060 Family Centrarchidae Freshwater Bass or Sunfish F 0 0 357
69 31061 Lepomis spp. Sunfish F 0.4 0 358
70 31062 Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill F 0.4 0 359
71 31063 Lepomis microlophus Redear Sunfish F 0.6 0 360
72 31064 Pomoxis annularis White Crappie F 0.6 0 361
73 31065 Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed F 0.6 0 0
74 31066 Micropterus spp. Bass F 0 0 0
75 31070 Family Percichthyidae Temperate Bass F 0 0 348
76 31071 Morone americana White Perch F 1 0 350
77 31072 Morone saxatilis Striped Bass F 7.5 0 351
78 31073 Morone chrysops White Bass F 1.2 0 352
79 31074 Morone spp. Temperate Bass F 1 0 349
80 31090 Family Serranidae Sea Bass F 0 0 353
81 31091 Centropristis ocyurus Black Sea Bass F 0 0 354
82 31092 Epinephelus spp. Grouper F 0 0 355
83 31093 Mycteroperca spp. Grouper F 0 0 356
84 31100 Family Lutjanidae Snapper F 0 0 367
85 31101 Lutjanus spp. Snapper F 0 0 368
86 31102 Lutjanus synagris Lane Snapper F 0 0 369
87 31103 Ocyurus chrysurus Yellowtail Snapper F 0 0 370
88 31110 Family Sparidae Porgy F 1 0 379
89 31111 Archosargus probatocephalus Sheepshead F 7.5 0 381
90 31112 Calamus spp. Porgy F 0 0 382
91 31113 Archosargus spp. Sheepshead or Sea Bream F 0 0 380
92 31114 Diplodus spp. Porgy or Pinfish F 0 0 383
93 31115 Stenotomus chrysops Scup F 0 0 384
94 31120 Family Sciaenidae Croaker or Drum F 21.5 0 385
95 31121 Pogonias cromis Black Drum F 25 0 386
96 31122 Sciaenops ocellatus Red Drum F 18 0 387
97 31123 Micropogon undulatus Atlantic Croaker F 1 0 388
98 31124 Aplodinotus grunniens Freshwater Drum F 0 0 0
99 31125 Bairdiella chrysoura Silver Perch F 0 0 0
100 31131 Cynoscion regalis Weakfish F 5 0 390
101 31132 Cynoscion spp. Weakfish F 5 0 389
102 31133 Cynoscion nebulosis Spotted Seatrout F 5 0 391
103 31200 Order Scorpaeniformes Sea Robin or Scorpionfish F 0 0 344
104 31210 Family Triglidae Sea Robin F 0 0 345
105 31211 Prionotus spp. Sea Robin F 0 0 346
106 31310 Family Labridae Wrasse F 0 0 397
107 31311 Lachnolaimus maximus Hogfish F 0 0 398
108 31312 Halichoeres spp. Wrasse F 0 0 399
109 31313 Lachnolaimus spp. Hogfish F 0 0 0
110 31400 Family Gerreidae Mojarra F 0 0 371
111 31401 Gerres cinerus Yellowfin Mojarra F 0 0 372
112 31402 Eucinostomus spp. Mojarra F 0 0 373
113 31500 Family Sphyraenidae Barracuda F 0 0 395
114 31501 Sphraena spp. Barracuda F 0 0 396
115 31600 Family Muraenidae Moray F 0 0 312
116 31699 Order Beryciformes Roughie or Squirrel Fish F 0 0 341
117 31700 Family Holocentridae Squirrel Fish F 0 0 342
118 31701 Holocentrus ascensionus Squirrel Fish F 0 0 343
119 31702 Holocentrus spp. Squirrel Fish F 0 0 0
120 31800 Family Pomocanthidae Angelfish F 0 0 392
121 31801 Holocanthus bermudensis Blue Angelfish F 0 0 393
122 31900 Family Haemulidae Grunt F 0 0 374
123 31901 Haemulon spp. Grunt F 0 0 375
124 31902 Haemulon carbonarium Caesar Grunt F 0 0 376
125 31903 Haemulon aurolineatum Tomtate F 0 0 377
126 31904 Haemulon flavolineatum French Grunt F 0 0 378
127 31905 Orthopristis chrysoptera Pigfish F 0 0 0
128 32000 Order Amiiformes Bowfin F 0 0
129 32010 Family Amiidae Bowfin F 0 0
130 32011 Amia calva Bowfin F 0 0
131 40000 Class Amphibia Amphibian RA 0 0 501
132 40100 Order Anura Toad or Frog RA 0 0 502
133 40110 Family Bufonidae Toad RA 0 0 503
134 40111 Bufo spp. Toad RA 0 0 504
135 40120 Family Hylidae Treefrog RA 0 0 505
136 40130 Family Ranidae True Frog RA 0 0 506
137 40131 Rana catesbeiana Bullfrog RA 0.1 0.1 508
138 40132 Rana spp. Frog RA 0 0 507
139 50000 Class Reptilia Reptile RA 0 0 509
140 50100 Order Testudines Turtle T 1 1 510
141 50110 Family Chelydridae Snapping Turtle T 10 10 511
142 50111 Chelydra serpentina Snapping Turtle T 10 10 512
143 50120 Family Kinosternidae Musk or Mud Turtle T 0 0 513
144 50121 Sternotherus odoratus Stinkpot T 0.4 0.4 514
145 50122 Kinosternon subrubrum Mud Turtle T 0.4 0.4 515
146 50130 Family Emydidae Box or Water Turtle T 0 0 516
147 50131 Chrysemys spp. Slider or Cooter T 3 3 517
148 50132 Chrysemys scripta Pond Slider T 3 3 518
149 50133 Chrysemys rubiventris Red-Bellied Turtle T 3 3 519
150 50134 Chrysemys picta Painted Turtle T 0.3 0.3 520
151 50135 Malaclemys terrapin Diamondback Terrapin T 0.6 0.6 521
152 50136 Clemmys guttata Spotted Turtle T 0 0 523
153 50137 Terrapene carolina Box Turtle T 0.3 0.3 525
154 50138 Clemmys spp. Spotted Turtle T 0 0 522
155 50139 Clemmys insculpta Wood Turtle T 0 0 524
156 50140 Family Cheloniidae Marine Turtle T 0 0 526
157 50141 Caretta caretta Atlantic Loggerhead T 80 80 527
158 50200 Order Squamata Snakes RA 0 0 528
159 50210 Family Colubridae Snakes RA 0 0 529
160 50211 Coluber constrictor Racer RA 0 0 530
161 50212 Diadophus punctatus Ringneck Snake RA 0 0 531
162 50213 Elaphe spp. Corn or Rat Snake RA 0 0 532
163 50214 Elaphe guttata Corn Snake RA 0 0 533
164 50215 Elaphe obsoleta Rat Snake RA 0 0 534
165 50216 Farancia abacura Mud Snake RA 0 0 535
166 50217 Farancia erythrogramma Rainbow Snake RA 0 0 536
167 50218 Heterodon platyrhinos Eastern Hognose Snake RA 0 0 537
168 50219 Lampropeltis getulus Common Kingsnake RA 0 0 538
169 50220 Lampropeltis triangulum Milk Snake RA 0 0 539
170 50221 Nerodia erythrogaster Plain-Bellied Water Snake RA 0 0 540
171 50222 Nerodia sipedon Northern Water Snake RA 0 0 541
172 50223 Nerodia taxipilota Brown Water Snake RA 0 0 542
173 50224 Storeria dekayi Brown Snake RA 0 0 543
174 50225 Thamnophis sauritus Eastern Ribbon Snake C 0 0 544
175 50226 Thamnophis sirtalis Common Garter Snake C 0 0 545
176 50227 Virginia striatula Rough Earth Snake C 0 0 546
177 50228 Virginia valeriae Smooth Earth Snake C 0 0 547
178 50230 Family Viperidae Vipers C 0 0 548
179 50231 Agkistrodon contortrix Copperhead C 0 0 549
180 50232 Agkistrodon piscivorus Cottonmouth C 0 0 550
181 50233 Crotalus horridus Timber Rattlesnake C 0 0 551
182 50241 Coluber spp. Racer C 0 0
183 50242 Nerodia spp. Water Snake C 0 0
184 60000 Class Aves Bird B 0 0 601
185 60001 Class Aves/Mammalia III Bird/Small Mammal V 0 0 602
186 60100 Order Gaviiformes Loon WB 4 4 603
187 60110 Family Gaviidae Loon WB 4 4 604
188 60111 Gavia immer Common Loon WB 4 4 605
189 60112 Gavia stellata Red-Throated Loon WB 3.5 3.5 606
190 60200 Order Anseriformes Swan, Goose, or Duck B 0 0 622
191 60210 Family Anatidae Swan, Goose, or Duck B 0 0 623
192 60211 Cygnus spp. Swan WB 10 10 624
193 60212 Cygnus columbianus Tundra Swan WB 10 10 625
194 60213 Cygnus buccinator Trumpeter Swan WB 0 0 626
195 60220 Anser spp. Goose B 7 7 628
196 60221 Anser anser Domestic Goose DB 6 6 629
197 60230 Chen caerulescens Snow Goose WB 0 0 630
198 60240 Branta spp. Canada Goose or Brant WB 4.5 4.5 631
199 60241 Branta canadensis Canada Goose WB 6 6 632
200 60242 Branta bernicula Brant WB 3 3 633
201 60243 Cairina moschata Muscovy Duck DB 0 0 0
202 60250 Anas spp. Dabbling Duck B 1.5 1.5 635
203 60251 Anas platyrhynchos Domestic Duck or Mallard WB 2 2 636
204 60252 Anas rubripes Black Duck WB 2 2 637
205 60253 Anas strepera Gadwall WB 1.6 1.6 638
206 60254 Anas crecca Green-Winged Teal WB 1 1 639
207 60255 Anas americana American Widgeon WB 1.4 1.4 640
208 60256 Anas penelope European Widgeon WB 1.2 1.2 641
209 60257 Anas acuta Pintail WB 1.5 1.5 642
210 60258 Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler WB 1.2 1.2 643
211 60259 Anas discors Blue-Winged Teal WB 1 1 644
212 60260 Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy Duck WB 1 1 645
213 60270 Aix sponsa Wood Duck WB 1.2 1.2 646
214 60280 Aythya spp. Pochard WB 1 1 647
215 60281 Aythya valisineria Canvasback WB 2 2 648
216 60282 Aythya americana Redhead WB 1.6 1.6 649
217 60283 Aythya collaris Ring-Necked Duck WB 1 1 650
218 60284 Aythya marila Greater Scaup WB 1.5 1.5 651
219 60285 Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup WB 1.5 1.5 652
220 60290 Melanitta spp. Sea Duck WB 2 2 653
221 60291 Melanitta nigra Black Scoter WB 1.9 1.9 654
222 60292 Melanitta fusca White-Winged Scoter WB 2.4 2.4 655
223 60293 Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter WB 1.7 1.7 656
224 60300 Clangula hyemalis Oldsquaw WB 1.6 1.6 657
225 60311 Bucephala clangula Common Goldeneye WB 1.6 1.6 658
226 60312 Bucephala albeola Bufflehead WB 1.6 1.6 659
227 60320 Mergus spp. Merganser WB 1.6 1.6 660
228 60321 Mergus merganser Common Merganser WB 2.6 2.6 661
229 60322 Mergus serrator Red-Breasted Merganser WB 1.2 1.2 662
230 60330 Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser WB 1.2 1.2 663
231 60350 Duck spp. Duck B 2 2 634
232 60351 Goose spp. Goose B 7 7 627
233 60400 Order Gruiformes Crane or Rail WB 0 0 664
234 60410 Family Rallidae Rail, Coot, or Gallinule WB 1 1 665
235 60411 Fulica americana Coot WB 1 1 666
236 60412 Rallus elegans King Rail WB 0 0 667
237 60413 Rallus longirostris Clapper Rail WB 0 0 668
238 60500 Order Charadiiformes Shorebird, Gull, or Auk WB 0 0 699
239 60510 Family Charadiidae Plover WB 0 0 670
240 60511 Charadius vociferus Killdeer WB 1 1 671
241 60520 Family Scolopacidae Sandpiper WB 0 0 672
242 60521 Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe WB 1 1 673
243 60522 Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone WB 0 0 674
244 60523 Catoptorphorus semipalmatus Willet WB 1.4 1.4 675
245 60530 Family Laridae Gull WB 0 0 676
246 60531 Stercorarius parasiticus Parasitic Jaeger WB 0 0 679
247 60532 Larus spp. Gull WB 0 0 677
248 60533 Larus argentatus Herring Gull WB 0 0 678
249 60600 Order Falconiformes Vulture, Hawk, or Falcon WB 0 0 680
250 60610 Family Accipitridae Hawk or Eagle WB 0 0 681
251 60611 Pandion haliaetus Osprey WB 0 0 682
252 60612 Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle WB 0 0 683
253 60613 Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle WB 0 0 684
254 60620 Family Falconidae Falcon WB 0 0 687
255 60621 Buteo spp. Hawk WB 0 0 685
256 60622 Buteo jamaicensis Red-Tailed Hawk WB 0 0 686
257 60623 Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered Hawk WB 0 0 0
258 60626 Falco spp. Falcon WB 0 0 688
259 60627 Falco sparverius Sparrow Hawk WB 0 0 689
260 60700 Order Galliformes Fowl-like Bird B 0 0 690
261 60710 Family Phasianidae Grouse, Partridge, or Pheasant B 0 0.5 691
262 60711 Meleagris gallopavo Turkey DB 7.5 7.5 692
263 60712 Gallus gallus Chicken DB 2.5 1 693
264 60713 Colinus virginianus Bobwhite WB 0.5 0.5 694
265 60714 Bonasa umbellus Ruffed Grouse WB 0.5 0.5 695
266 60715 Phasianus colchicus Ring-Necked Pheasant WB 0 0 696
267 60716 Tympanuchus cupido Heath Hen WB 1.4 1.4 697
268 60717 Dendragapus obscurus Blue Grouse WB 1 0 698
269 60900 Order Columbiformes Pigeon or Dove WB 0.5 0.5 699
270 60910 Family Columbidae Pigeon or Dove WB 0.5 0.5 700
271 60911 Ectopistes migratorius Passenger Pigeon WB 0.5 0.5 701
272 60912 Columba livia Rock Dove or Domestic Pigeon WB 0.5 0.5 703
273 60913 Columba spp. Pigeon WB 0 0 702
274 60914 Columba fasciata Pigeon WB 0 0 704
275 61000 Order Strigiformes Owl WB 0 0 705
276 61010 Family Tytonidae Barn Owl WB 0 0 706
277 61011 Tyto alba Common Barn-Owl WB 0 0 707
278 61012 Asio flammeus Short-Eared Owl WB 0 0 708
279 61013 Asio otus Long-Eared Owl WB 0 0 709
280 61020 Family Strigidae Typical Owl WB 0 0 710
281 61021 Bubo virginianus Great Horned Owl WB 2.6 2.6 711
282 61022 Otus asio Screech Owl WB 0 0 712
283 61023 Strix varia Barred Owl WB 0 0 713
284 61100 Order Passeriformes Perching Bird WB 0 0 710
285 61110 Family Emberizidae Warbler or Sparrow WB 0 0 721
286 61111 Calcarius lapponicus Lapland Longspur WB 0 0 722
287 61112 Turdus migratorius Robin WB 0 0 723
288 61113 Spizella spp. Sparrow WB 0 0 0
289 61115 Family Corvidae Ravens and Crows WB 0 0 724
290 61116 Corvus brachyrhynchos Common Crow WB 1 0 725
291 61117 Corvus ossifragus Fish Crow WB 0 0 726
292 61118 Sturnella magna Eastern Meadowlark WB 0 0 727
293 61119 Quiscalus quiscula Common Grackle WB 0 0 0
294 61120 Cyanocitta cristata Blue Jay WB 0 0 0
295 61200 Order Ciconiiformes Long-Legged Wader WB 0 0 607
296 61210 Family Ardeidae Heron or Bittern WB 0 0 608
297 61211 Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron WB 10 10 609
298 61212 Casmerodius albus Great Egret WB 7 0 0
299 61300 Order Pelecaniformes Pelican or Cormorant WB 5 5 610
300 61310 Family Phalacrocoracidae Cormorant WB 5 5 611
301 61311 Phalacrocorax auritus Double-Crested Cormorant WB 5 5 613
302 61312 Phalacrocorax spp. Cormorant WB 5 5 612
303 61320 Family Pelecanidae Pelicans WB 0 0 0
304 61321 Pelecanus occidentalis Brown Pelican WB 8 0 0
305 61400 Order Podicipediformes Grebe WB 0 0 614
306 61410 Family Podicipedidae Grebe WB 0 0 615
307 61411 Podiceps auritus Horned Grebe WB 0 0 616
308 61510 Family Phaethontidae Tropic Bird WB 0 0 617
309 61511 Phaeton lepturus White-Tailed Tropic Bird WB 0 0 618
310 61610 Family Procellariidae Shearwater or Petrel WB 0 0 619
311 61611 Puffinus iherminieri Audubon’s Shearwater WB 0 0 620
312 61612 Pterodroma cahow Bermuda Petrel WB 0 0 621
313 61700 Order Piciformes Woodpeckers WB 0 0 714
314 61710 Family Picidae Woodpecker WB 0 0 715
315 61711 Colaptes auratus Northern Flicker WB 0 0 716
316 61712 Melanerpes spp. Woodpecker WB 0 0 717
317 61713 Melanerpes carolinus Red-Bellied Woodpecker WB 0 0 718
318 61714 Dryocopus pileatus Pileated Woodpecker WB 0 0 719
319 70000 Class Mammalia Mammal M 0 0 801
320 70001 Class Mammalia I Large Mammal M 0 0 802
321 70002 Class Mammalia II Medium Mammal M 0 0 803
322 70003 Class Mammalia III Small Mammal M 0 0 804
323 70100 Order Marsupalia Marsupial M 0 0 805
324 70110 Family Didelphidae Opossum WM 8 8 806
325 70111 Didelphis virginiana Opossum WM 8 8 807
326 70200 Order Insectivora Insectivore M 0 0 808
327 70210 Family Talpidae Mole C 0 0 809
328 70211 Scalopus aquaticus Eastern Mole C 0 0 810
329 70212 Blarina brevicauda Shorttail Shrew C 0 0 811
330 70213 Parascalops breweri Hairy-Tailed Mole C 0 0 0
331 70214 Condylura cristata Star-Nosed Mole C 0 0 0
332 70300 Order Lagomorpha Hare or Rabbit M 0 0 812
333 70309 Rabbit spp. Rabbit M 2 0 0
334 70310 Family Leporidae Hare or Rabbit M 0 0 813
335 70311 Sylvilagus spp. Cottontail WM 2 2 814
336 70312 Sylvilagus floridanus Eastern Cottontail WM 2 2 815
337 70313 Sylvilagus transitionalis New England Cottontail WM 2 2 816
338 70314 Oryctolagus cuniculus Domestic Rabbit DM 2 2 817
339 70315 Lepus californicus Jackrabbit WM 3 0 818
340 70316 Lepus spp. Hare WM 3 0 0
341 70317 Lepus europeaus European Hare WM 3 0 0
342 70400 Order Rodentia Rodent M 0 0 819
343 70410 Family Sciuridae Squirrel WM 0 0 820
344 70411 Marmota monax Woodchuck WM 5 5 821
345 70412 Tamias striatus Eastern Chipmunk WM 0 0 822
346 70413 Sciurus spp. Squirrel WM 0.9 0.9 823
347 70414 Sciurus carolinensis Eastern Gray Squirrel WM 1 1 824
348 70415 Sciurus niger Eastern Fox Squirrel WM 0.8 0.8 825
349 70416 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Red Squirrel WM 0 0 826
350 70417 Glaucomys volans Southern Flying Squirrel WM 0 0 827
351 70420 Family Castoridae Beaver WM 25 25 828
352 70421 Castor canadensis Beaver WM 25 25 829
353 70430 Family Cricetidae Mouse, Rat, Lemming, or Vole C 0 0 830
354 70431 Reithrodontomys humulis Eastern Harvest Mouse C 0 0 831
355 70432 Peromyscus spp. Pygmy Mouse C 0 0 832
356 70433 Peromyscus leucopus White-Footed Mouse C 0 0 833
357 70434 Peromyscus maniculatus Deer Mouse C 0 0 834
358 70435 Peromyscus gossypinus Cotton Mouse C 0 0 835
359 70436 Peromyscus nuttalli Golden Mouse C 0 0 836
360 70437 Neotoma floridana Eastern Woodrat C 0 0 837
361 70438 Oryzomys palustris Rice Rat C 0 0 838
362 70439 Sigmodon hispidus Hispid Cotton Rat C 0 0 839
363 70440 Synaptomys cooperi Southern Bog Lemming C 0 0 840
364 70441 Microtus pennsylvanicus Meadow Vole C 0 0 841
365 70442 Pitymys pinetorum Pine Vole C 0 0 842
366 70443 Ondatra zibethica Muskrat C 0 0 843
367 70444 Rattus spp. Old World Rat C 0 0 844
368 70445 Rattus norvegicus Norway Rat C 0 0 845
369 70446 Rattus rattus Roof Rat C 0 0 846
370 70447 Mus musculus House Mouse C 0 0 847
371 70448 Zapus hudsonius Meadow Jumping Mouse C 0 0 848
372 70449 Microtus spp. Vole C 0 0 0
373 70450 Family Geomyidae Pocket Gopher WM 0 0 849
374 70451 Thomomys talpoides Northern Pocket Gopher WM 0 0 850
375 70452 Rat spp. Rats C 0 0 0
376 70460 Family Heteromyidae Pocket Mouse/Kang Mouse/Rat WM 0 0 851
377 70461 Dipodomys spectibilis Bannertail Kangaroo Rat WM 0 0 852
378 70600 Order Cetacea Cetacean WM 0 0 853
379 70611 Whale spp. Whale WB 0 0 0
380 70700 Order Carnivora Carnivore M 0 0 854
381 70710 Family Canidae Dog, Wolf, or Fox M 0 0 855
382 70711 Canis spp. Dog or Wolf M 0 0 856
383 70712 Canis familiaris Dog C 0 0 857
384 70713 Canis lupus Gray Wolf WM 0 0 858
385 70714 Canis latrans Coyote WM 0 0 859
386 70715 Urocyon cinereoargenteus Grey Fox WM 0 0 860
387 70716 Vulpes vulpes Red Fox WM 0 0 862
388 70717 Vulpes spp. Fox WM 0 0 861
389 70718 Fox spp. Fox WM 0 0 0
390 70730 Family Ursidae Bear WM 0 0 863
391 70731 Ursus americanus Black Bear WM 0 0 864
392 70740 Family Procyonidae Raccoon WM 15 15 865
393 70741 Procyon lotor Raccoon WM 15 15 866
394 70750 Family Mustelidae Weasel or Skunk WM 8 8 867
395 70751 Lontra canadensis River Otter WM 0 0 868
396 70752 Mustela vison Mink WM 0 0 869
397 70753 Martes americana Marten WM 0 0 870
398 70754 Martes pennanti Fisher WM 0 0 871
399 70755 Mephitis mephitis Striped Skunk WM 8 8 0
400 70770 Family Felidae Cat C 0 0 872
401 70771 Felis domesticus Domestic Cat C 0 0 873
402 70772 Felis rufus Bobcat WM 0 0 0
403 70800 Order Chiroptera Bat WM 0 0 0
404 70810 Family Vespertilionidae Bat WM 0 0 0
405 70811 Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat WM 0 0 0
406 71000 Order Pinnepedia/Sirenia Seal WM 0 0 874
407 71100 Order Perissodactyla Odd-Toed Ungulate M 0 0 875
408 71110 Family Equidae Horse or Ass DM 400 0 876
409 71111 Equus spp. Horse or Ass DM 400 0 877
410 71113 Equus asinus Ass DM 0 0 0
411 71200 Order Artiodactyla Even-Toed Ungulate M 0 0 878
412 71201 Order Artiodactyla I Sheep, Goat, Deer, or Pig M 0 0 879
413 71202 Order Artiodactyla II Sheep, Goat, or Deer M 0 0 880
414 71210 Family Suidae Pig DM 0 0 881
415 71211 Sus scrofa Domestic Pig DM 100 50 882
416 71220 Family Cervidae Deer or Antelope WM 0 0 883
417 71221 Odocoileus virginianus White-Tailed Deer WM 100 50 884
418 71222 Cervus canadensis Elk WM 200 100 886
419 71223 Odocoileus hemionus Mule Deer WM 100 50 885
420 71230 Family Bovidae Cow, Sheep, or Goat DM 0 0 887
421 71231 Bos taurus Domestic Cow DM 400 50 888
422 71232 Ovis aries Domestic Sheep DM 35 15 889
423 71233 Capra hircus Domestic Goat DM 35 15 891
424 71234 Ovis canadensis Bighorn Sheep WM 0 0 890
425 71239 Ovis aries/Capra hircus Domestic Sheep or Goat DM 35 15 892
426 71900 Order Perissocatyla/Artiodactyla Ungulate M 0 0 893
427 71999 Bos taurus/Equus sp. Domestic Cow, Horse, or Ass DM 0 0 894
428 75000 Order Primates Primate V 0 0 895
429 75001 Family Cercopithecidae Old World Monkey WM 0 0 896
430 75002 Cercopithecus spp. Guenon WM 0 0 897
431 75003 Papio papio West African Baboon WM 0 0
432 75010 Family Hominidae Human V 0 0 898
433 75011 Homo sapiens Human V 0 0 899
434 90000 Subphylum Vertebrata Other Vertebrate V 0 0 999

Field Name: Bone Element
Authority Terms:

BoneElement BodyPart
Cranium H
Premaxilla H
Premaxillary H
Maxilla H
Palatine H
Nasal H
Rostral H
Vomer H
Sphenoid H
Basisphenoid H
Sphenotic H
Parasphenoid H
Pterosphenoid H
Ethmoid H
Preethmoid H
Epiotic H
Pterotic H
Lacrimal H
Malar H
Frontal H
Prefrontal H
Postfrontal H
Fronto-parietal H
Quadrate H
Squamosal H
Opisthotic H
Jugal H
Quadrajugal H
Processus cornus H
Temporal H
Basitemporal plate H
Supra-temporal H
Posttemporal H
Parietal H
Pterygoid H
Occipital H
Bulla tympanica H
Meatus acusticus internus H
Otolith H
Paramastoid process H
Hyoid H
Prootic H
Hyomandibular H
Sympletic H
Entopterygoid H
Metapterygoid H
Opercular H
Preopercular H
Subopercular H
Ascending ramus N
Interopercular H
Interhyal H
Epihyal H
Ceratohyal H
Basihyal H
Urohyal H
Branchiostegal ray H
Supraorbital H
Preorbital H
Suborbital H
Pharyngeal plate H
Cleithrum H
Supracleithrum H
Ethmoid cornu H
Lateral ethmoid H
Supraethmoid H
Hypohyal H
Otic bullae H
Exoccipital H
Basioccipital H
Supraoccipital H
Dentary H
Angular H
Articular H
Splenial H
Mandible H
Ectopterygoid H
Basibranchial H
Ceratobranchial H
Epibranchial H
Gillraker H
Hypobranchial H
Infrapharyngeal H
Pharyngobranchial H
Suprapharyngeal H
Horn H
Antler H
Tooth H
Upper incisor H
Lower incisor H
Upper premolar H
Lower premolar H
Upper molar H
Lower molar H
Incisor H
Upper incisor 1 H
Upper incisor 2 H
Upper incisor 3 H
Upper incisor 4 H
Lower incisor 1 H
Lower incisor 2 H
Lower incisor 3 H
Lower incisor 4 H
Canine H
Upper canine H
Lower canine H
Premolar H
Upper premolar 1 H
Upper premolar 2 H
Upper premolar 3 H
Upper premolar 4 H
Upper premolar 3 or 4 H
Lower premolar 1 H
Lower premolar 2 H
Lower premolar 3 H
Lower premolar 4 H
Lower premolar 3 or 4 H
Molar H
Upper molar 1 H
Upper molar 2 H
Upper molar 3 H
Upper molar 1 or 2 H
Upper molar 2 or 3 H
Lower molar 1 H
Lower molar 2 H
Lower molar 3 H
Lower molar 1 or 2 H
Lower molar 2 or 3 H
Premolar or molar H
Upper premolar or molar H
Lower premolar or molar H
Vertebra–centrum A
Vertebra–epiphysis A
Vertebra–other A
Vertebra A
Atlas A
Epitropheus A
Axis N
Cervical vertebra A
Thoracic vertebra A
Lumbar vertebra A
Sacral vertebra A
Complex vertebra A
Terminal vertebra A
Coccygeal vertebra A
Sacrum A
Synsacrum A
Caudal vertebra A
Pygostyle A
Abdominal vertebra A
Penultimate vertebra A
Epural A
Hypural A
Rib A
Rib–head A
Rib–body A
Sternum or sternabrae A
Xiphisternum A
Episternum A
Omosternum A
Furculum A
Baculum A
Innominate A
Urostyle A
Pectoral ray A
Basipterygium A
Dorsal fin spine/ray A
First pterygiophore A
Second pterygiophore A
Modified first dorsal spine A
Second dorsal spine A
Pectoral spine A
Spine A
Scute A
Scale A
Carapace A
Plastron A
Hypoplastron A
Dorsal spine A
Dorsal ray A
Pterygiophore A
Acanthotrich A
Lepidotrich A
Spine/rib A
Ventral spine H
Flat bone L
Long bone L
Scapula L
Suprascapula L
Clavicle L
Supraclavicle L
Postclavicle L
Coracoid L
Precoracoid L
Hypercoracoid L
Hypocoracoid L
Actinost L
Humerus L
Ulna L
Radius L
Radio-ulna L
Carpal L
First carpal L
Second carpal L
Third carpal L
Fused carpal 2 + 3 L
Fourth carpal L
Radial carpal L
Ulnar carpal L
Intermediate carpal L
Accessory carpal L
Cuneiform L
Scapholunar L
Metacarpal L
Main metacarpal L
Metacarpal I L
Metacarpal II L
Metacarpal III L
Metacarpal IV L
Metacarpal V L
Carpometacarpus L
Pollex L
Phalanx I, digit II L
Phalanx 2, digit II L
Digit III L
Radial L
Postcleithrum L
Digit indeterminate L
Limb Bone L
Femur L
Tibia L
Fibula L
Tibiotarsus L
Patella L
Tarsal L
First tarsal L
Second tarsal L
Third tarsal L
Fourth tarsal L
Calcaneus L
Astragalus L
Central tarsal L
Fused tarsal c + 4 L
Fused tarsal 2 + 3 L
Lateral malleolus L
Metatarsal L
Main metatarsal L
Metatarsal II L
Metatarsal III L
Metatarsal IV L
Metatarsal V L
Tarsometatarsus L
Tibio-fibula L
Ossified tendon L
Metapodial L
Carpal or tarsal L
Sesamoid L
Proximal sesamoid L
Distal sesamoid L
Ungual phalanx L
Phalanx L
First phalanx L
First phalanx, digit 1 L
First phalanx, digit 2 L
First phalanx, digit 3 L
First phalanx, digit 4 L
First phalanx, digit 5 L
Second phalanx L
Second phalanx, digit 1 L
Second phalanx, digit 2 L
Second phalanx, digit 3 L
Second phalanx, digit 4 L
Second phalanx, digit 5 L
Third phalanx L
Third phalanx, digit 2 L
Third phalanx, digit 3 L
Third phalanx, digit 4 L
Third phalanx, digit 5 L
Fourth phalanx L
Fourth phalanx, digit 3 L
Fourth phalanx, digit 4 L
Fifth phalanx, digit 4 L
Front first phalanx L
Front first phalanx, digit 1 L
Front first phalanx, digit 2 L
Front first phalanx, digit 3 L
Front first phalanx, digit 4 L
Front first phalanx, digit 5 L
Front second phalanx L
Front second phalanx, digit 1 L
Front second phalanx, digit 2 L
Front second phalanx, digit 3 L
Front second phalanx, digit 4 L
Front second phalanx, digit 5 L
Front third phalanx L
Front third phalanx, digit 2 L
Front third phalanx, digit 3 L
Front third phalanx, digit 4 L
Front third phalanx, digit 5 L
Front fourth phalanx L
Front fourth phalanx, digit 3 L
Front fourth phalanx, digit 4 L
Front fifth phalanx, digit 4 L
Hind first phalanx L
Hind first phalanx, digit 1 L
Hind first phalanx, digit 2 L
Hind first phalanx, digit 3 L
Hind first phalanx, digit 4 L
Hind first phalanx, digit 5 L
Hind second phalanx L
Hind second phalanx, digit 1 L
Hind second phalanx, digit 2 L
Hind second phalanx, digit 3 L
Hind second phalanx, digit 4 L
Hind second phalanx, digit 5 L
Hind third phalanx L
Hind third phalanx, digit 2 L
Hind third phalanx, digit 3 L
Hind third phalanx, digit 4 L
Hind third phalanx, digit 5 L
Hind fourth phalanx L
Hind fourth phalanx, digit 3 L
Hind fourth phalanx, digit 4 L
Hind fourth phalanx, digit 5 L
Hind fifth phalanx L
Hind fifth phalanx, digit 1 L
Hind fifth phalanx, digit 2 L
Hind fifth phalanx, digit 3 L
Hind fifth phalanx, digit 4 L
Claw L
Carapace/plastron A
Eggshell N
Indeterminate N

Field Name: Symmmetry
Authority Terms:

  1. Axial
  2. Indeterminate
  3. Left
  4. Right

Field Name: NISP

Field Name: Weight

Field Name: Bone Location

BoneLocation BoneLocationID
Anterior half AH
Anterior ANT
Central CEN
Complete COM
Cusp anterior CPA
Cusp central CPC
Cusp indeterminate CPI
Cusp posterior CPP
Crown CRN
Complete except anterior CXA
Complete except posterior CXP
Distal end and shaft DES
Dorsal half DH
Dorsal DOR
Distal end DSE
Distal shaft DSS
Indeterminate I
Indeteminate half IH
Inferior INF
Left half LH
Proximal end and shaft PES
Posterior half PH
Posterior PST
Proximal end PXE
Proximal shaft PXS
Right half RH
Root RT
Shaft complete SCM
Shaft SFT
Superior SUP
Ventral VEN
Ventral half VH

Field Name: Descriptor
Authority Terms:

  1. Abdominal
  2. Acetabulum
  3. Acetabulum & pubis only
  4. Acetabulum-ilium only
  5. Acetabulum-ilium/ischium/pubis
  6. Acetabulum-ischium only
  7. Acetabulum-ischium/ilium only
  8. Acromion
  9. Alveolar body
  10. Alveolar border
  11. Anal
  12. Angle
  13. Anterior carpal fossa
  14. Anterior metatarsal groove
  15. Apex
  16. Articular process
  17. Articulation and ramus
  18. Articulation to angle
  19. Ascending ramus
  20. Basilar
  21. Basioccipital
  22. Bicipital crest
  23. Blade
  24. Body
  25. Body with facial tuberosity
  26. Border
  27. Carinal apex
  28. Carpal trochlea
  29. Centrum
  30. Centrum epiphysis
  31. Complete
  32. Coraco-humeral surface
  33. Coracoidal articulation
  34. Coronoid process
  35. Costal
  36. Costal margin
  37. Crest
  38. Deltoid crest
  39. Deltoid tuberosity
  40. Diastema
  41. Distal foramen
  42. Distal metacarpal symphysis
  43. Dorsal spine
  44. Ectepicondyle
  45. Entepicondylar prominence
  46. Entepicondyle
  47. Entoplastron
  48. Epiphysis only
  49. Epiplastron
  50. Epipubis
  51. Exoccipital
  52. External
  53. External condyle
  54. External cotyla
  55. Facial part
  56. Femoral
  57. Fibular crest
  58. Foramen magnum
  59. Frontal eminence
  60. Furcular articulation
  61. Furcular process
  62. Glenoid
  63. Glenoid and neck
  64. Glenoid facet
  65. Gular
  66. Haemal spine
  67. Hamulus
  68. Head
  69. Humeral
  70. Hyoplastron
  71. Hypotarsus
  72. Iliac crest
  73. Ilium
  74. Ilium plus ischium
  75. Ilium plus pubis
  76. Inner cnemial crest
  77. Intercondyloid fossa
  78. Intercostal space
  79. Intermetacarpal tuberosity
  80. Internal
  81. Internal condyle
  82. Internal cotyla
  83. Ischial spine
  84. Ischium
  85. Ischium plus pubis
  86. Lateral
  87. Lateral condyle
  88. Lateral condyle
  89. Lateral condyle
  90. Lateral process
  91. Lateral tuberosity
  92. Mandibular condyle
  93. Manubrial spine
  94. Manubrium
  95. Marginal
  96. Medial condyle
  97. Medial dorsal ridge
  98. Medial malleolus
  99. Median crest
  100. Metatarsal facet
  101. Muscular angle
  102. Nasal process
  103. Neck
  104. Neck and blade
  105. Neural
  106. Nuchal bone
  107. Nuchal eminence
  108. Nuchal scute
  109. Obdurator foramen
  110. Occipital condyle
  111. Olecranon O
  112. lecranon fossa
  113. Optic foramen
  114. Orbit
  115. Orbital part
  116. Outer cnemial crest
  117. Palatine process
  118. Parietal crest
  119. Paroccipital
  120. Pectoral
  121. Peripherals
  122. Pisiform process
  123. Postfrontal process
  124. Precoracoid
  125. Pterygoid process
  126. Pubis
  127. Pygal
  128. Radius attached
  129. Sacral vertebrae
  130. Scapho-lunar facet
  131. Scapular facet
  132. Scapular tuberosity
  133. Semilunar notch
  134. Shaft with interosseous space
  135. Shaft with nutrient foramen
  136. Shaft with nutrient foramen
  137. Shaft with spur core
  138. Shield
  139. Spine
  140. Spinous process
  141. Squamosal process
  142. Squamous
  143. Squamous temporal bone
  144. Sternal facet
  145. Sterno-coracoidal process
  146. Styloid process of ulna
  147. Supraconydloid fossa
  148. Supraoccipital
  149. Supraorbital process
  150. Supratendinal bridge
  151. Supropygal
  152. Symphysis
  153. Synsacral caudal vertebrae
  154. Synsacral thoracic vertebrae
  155. Temporal condyle
  156. Temporal crest
  157. Temporal process
  158. Tendinal groove
  159. Tibial crest
  160. Transverse process
  161. Trochanter major
  162. Trochlea
  163. Ulna attached
  164. Vascular groove
  165. Vascular groove
  166. Vertebral
  167. Wing
  168. With meatus acusticus
  169. With processus cornus
  170. With teeth
  171. With teeth and without ascending ramus
  172. Without teeth and without ascending ramus
  173. Xiphial area
  174. Xiphiplastron
  175. Zygomatic process

Field Name: Fusion
Authority Terms:

  1. Fusion
  2. Fused
  3. Proximal fused, distal fused
  4. Proximal fused, distal fusing
  5. Proximal fused, distal indeterminate
  6. Proximal fused, distal unfused
  7. Fusing
  8. Proximal fusing, distal fused
  9. Proximal fusing, distal fusing
  10. Proximal fusing, distal indeterminate
  11. Proximal fusing, distal unfused I
  12. Indeterminate
  13. Proximal indeterminate, distal fused
  14. Proximal indeterminate, distal fusing
  15. Proximal indeterminate, distal unfused
  16. Unfused
  17. Proximal unfused, distal fused
  18. Proximal unfused, distal fusing
  19. Proximal unfused, distal indeterminate
  20. Proximal unfused, distal unfused

Field Name: Tooth Type
Authority Terms:

  1. Adult
  2. Deciduous
  3. Indeterminate

Field Name:Tooth Wear
Authority Terms:

  1. ToothWear
  2. Almost totally erupted and coming into wear
  3. Almost totally erupted but unworn
  4. Dentine exposed
  5. Early wear
  6. Enamel gone from surface of one cusp
  7. Enamel gone from surfaces of two cusps
  8. Indeterminate
  9. Infundidula erased on uppers
  10. Large amount of dentine exposed
  11. Lower half of crown exposed
  12. Perforation in crypt
  13. See Payne 1973
  14. Tooth erupting through bone
  15. Tooth halfway up but unworn
  16. Tooth visible but below bone
  17. Upper half of crown exposed
  18. Worn to root
  19. Worn with all dentine surfaces joined
  20. Worn with enamel still separating dentine spaces

Field Name: Bone Size
Authority Terms:

  1. Adult Size
  2. Indeterminate
  3. Large Adult Size
  4. Small Adult Size
  5. Small and Immature

Field Name: Sex
Authority Terms:

  1. Female
  2. Indeteminate
  3. Male

Field Name: Disease or Trauma?
Authority Terms:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Probably

Field Name: Weathered
Authority Terms:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Probably

Field Name: Burned
Authority Terms:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Probably

Field Name: Bone Condition
Authority Terms:

  1. Conserved
  2. Mended
  3. Poor

Field Name: Chew Type
Authority Terms:

  1. Carnivore
  2. Human
  3. Indeterminate
  4. Multiple
  5. Possible
  6. Rodent

Field Name: Chew Location
Authority Terms:

  1. Anterior end of fragment
  2. Both ends of fragment
  3. Central part of fragment
  4. Distal end of fragment
  5. Indeterminate
  6. Posterior end of fragment
  7. Proximal end of fragment

Field Name: Fresh Break?
Authority Terms:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Probably

Field Name: Butcher Method
Authority Terms:

  1. Axed
  2. Axed Probably
  3. Hacked
  4. Hacked Probably
  5. Sawed
  6. Sawed Probably

Field Name: Butcher Location
Authority Terms:

  1. Anterior end of fragment
  2. Both ends of fragment
  3. Central part of fragment
  4. Distal end of fragment
  5. Indeterminate
  6. Posterior end of fragment
  7. Proximal end of fragment

Field Name: Butcher Direction
Authority Terms:

  1. Diagonal
  2. Longitudinal
  3. Perpendicular to one another
  4. Parallel to one another
  5. Random
  6. Transverse

Field Name: Bone Mark Type
Authority Terms:

  1. Cut
  2. Cut Probable
  3. Hack
  4. Hack Probable
  5. Knife cut
  6. Knife cut Probable

Field Name: Bone Mark Location
Authority Terms:

  1. Anterior end of fragment
  2. Both ends of fragment
  3. Central part of fragment
  4. Distal end of fragment
  5. Indeterminate
  6. Posterior end of fragment
  7. Proximal end of fragment

Field Name: Mark Direction
Authority Terms:

  1. Diagonal
  2. Longitudinal
  3. Perpendicular to one another
  4. Parallel to one another
  5. Random
  6. Transverse

Field Name: Number of Cut Marks
Authority Terms:

  1. Diagonal
  2. Longitudinal
  3. Perpendicular to one another
  4. Parallel to one another
  5. Random
  6. Transverse

Field Name: Commentts

Field Name: Added By

Field Name: Date Added

Field Name: Changed By

Field Name: Date Changed

Related Table: Faunal Measurements

Field Name: Measuring Description
Authority Terms:

  1. Diagonal
  2. Longitudinal
  3. Perpendicular to one another
  4. Parallel to one another
  5. Random
  6. Transverse

Field Name: Measurement

Field Name: Accurate?
Authority Terms:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Probably

Field Name: Added By

Field Name: Date Added

Field Name: Changed By

Field Name: Date Changed